Monthly Archives: November 2016

Video games kill imagination

Nowadays, almost every child in the world plays at least one video game. This is not a good thing, in fact, it should be a sign of alarm! Why? Because they will lose the most beautiful part of their lives, their childhood. Video games kill children’s imagination because they encourage them to become a part of the game, which makes them simply not realising the beautiful things in their childhood. Also, most of the new video games encourage violence, and it doesn’t seem like a real thing, but this violence will most likely appear later in the children’s behaviour. While a child is being caught in the game, they forget about what really matters: family, friends and a lot more other important things. Video games kill children’s abilities to communicate with others because they are spending a lot of time playing them. Unfortunately, New video games leave nothing to the imagination and even if it hurts, it is the truth. So from now on, try to show your children the things that are really important. If you don’t take action now, they might spend their whole life in the virtual World.